Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2010 proposed garden layout

this is what i foresee as the 2010 garden. i keep track of the layout in an excel spreadsheet, so i can ensure crop rotation is done properly. i cant explain why some of the text is smudgy, but the text in 'red' is tomatoes and the dark blue at the top is butternut squash. the 2011 garden will reflect each side basically swapping over from left to right with nightshade plant family (tomatoes, pepper and potatoes) being followed by non-nightshade plants (corn, squash, etc). i am trying to avoid back to back plantings in the same beds in subsequent years - although we will see a slight overlap w/ peppers and potatoes.


  1. Picking my jaw up off of the floor right now.

  2. Garry, you may want to make the paths between the beds wide enough to accomodate a riding mower or tractor. Also, wider spacing would allow you to put ramps onto the raised beds for wheelbarrows. I learned that the hard way. How will the irrigation system work? This will be fun!

  3. @katie - :)

    @fred - thx for swinging by, the garden is already complete and all walkways are barked in (3-5 inches of bark). except for the occasional weed plucking - hopefully i will not need a mower. your raised beds as well as a guy named joe lamp'l's really gave me the inspiration to put this thing in.

  4. @fredx2 - i have pvc stubbed into each bed that connect back to the water circuit. it worked well, this year. i have battery powered controllers (by, i think dig) that keeps things well watered. the only thing left is to finish up the tops of the beds for a place to sit (like you recommend on your site). next time you are in el dorado county, you are welcome to swing by anytime!
