the seed potatoes have really started to push their eyes and it was time to slice and dice them - to allow the potato to harden off its newly cut side.
you can cut a seed potato into smaller portions, if each portion has at least 1 eye. the eye is source of the new plant and your future potatoes - no eye = no plant, just a rotting unproductive seed potato. the healing will make the tuber a bit more robust when it is placed into the dirt in a few weeks. the spuds typically scar over in about a week with normal household kitchen temperatures.
there are four varieties of taters laid in those pans. if you have fluffy soil - you should really consider planting potatoes, you will not be disappointed.
We didn't even allow our seed potatoes to scar at all Garry. Venus just cut them up and planted them an hour later. Monster harvest! Monster potatoes! Looks like you've cut up a lot more than we're doing!