the 2009 tomato list was:
1 parks whopper
stupice3 jumbo hybrid
sungold5 better boy
costolotto genovese7
oregon spring
rutgers9 dinner plate
10 black cherry
sungold12 beef master
13 super fantastic
14 golden jubilee
15 better boy
16 sun sugar
17 sweet million
18 black zebra
19 celebrity
german pink
cherokee purple
23 trophy
24 great white
pearson26 early girl
27 better boy
28 celebrity
hungarian heart
30 better boy
31 heartland
32 early girl
cherokee purple
34 beef master
35 beef master
36 beef steak
37 black
krim38 sweet million
39 jet sonic
comments will not cover every tomato. if there is not a variety called out (either good or bad), then it probably did all right, it just
didnt stand out on either side of the bell curve, thus its worth replanting in the future.
parks whopper- was a
freebee from front yard
nursery. in 2008 it had issues with blossom end rot. this year, it
didnt. it is a good tomato.
stupice - smallish early tomato, a decent producer - good one to replant.
sungold - still my favorite cherry. although, last year was my first year with it, the newness has worn off, but a prolific producer that is very sweet. a must have every year.
costolutto genovese - good producer, but stopped producing just past mid season, kind of a bushy plant, so its probably a determinant. worth planting again.
oregon spring - was the
earliest producer, but not as early as i had hoped.
didnt stand out.
dinner plate - big tomato.
black cherry - color intrigued me, vigorous plant, but flavor
didnt do much for me. no plans of replanting.
super fantastic - hybrid, that really produced. on tap for 2010.
golden jubilee - meaty large yellow tomatoes. i
dont like meaty tomatoes.
sun sugar - heard it was sweeter than sun gold. it was prolific, but
didnt find it an improvement on sun gold. will not replant.
sweet million - another one that i had heard was very sweet. it was prolific, but it was not an improvement over sun gold.
black zebra - a bi-color. about 2-3 inches across and prolific. it was super awesome and will have a place in future gardens.
cherokee purple - a
very prolific and great flavored
heirloom. will plant again for sure!
hungarian heart - a meaty
heirloom. i
dont like meaty tomatoes. if all ox heart tomatoes are meaty, i will not plant them at all in the future.
early girl - it
wasnt. one of my later producing tomatoes. will probably do it again as its a go-to for earliness.
krim - also a good producing
hierloom and worth planting in the future.
jet sonic - a
freebee when we ordered from totally tomatoes.
didnt produce well and have no plans to ever plant