i promise, this blog will eventually get to my garden, but i am building the history of where i am today - and i have 4 - nay, 5 years of stuff to catch up on!
i left off with
mr. sniffy... my dog - anyways, 2005 was a good year, i work for a large high tech firm in
folsom and every 7 years, we get a
sabbatical - which gives us 8 weeks of vacation and when i tack on my standard 4 weeks a year, i got 3 months off. a very nice perk and one i greatly appreciate.
so my
sabbat (which i will now use to shorten up a word, which i can never spell correctly), started in late
july with me putting the final touches on my - not fully surrounding the property fence. the next project of my laser focus was to build a shed to house the stuff, stuffed into my garage since our move to the new house in
february. it took awhile, but i was able to google up some nice plans which i extrapolated from, to come up with my shed design.
the shed had to hold general family stuff we rarely look at (stuff from our younger days), stuff we pull out once or twice a year (camping gear) and also handle
the task of housing my yard gear - mowers, chemicals, implements, etc - oh it also had to look nice and compliment the new house. the result was a shed that has an attic space to house the aforementioned,
rarely accessed stuff and enough room to house all the other gear. they say you will fill up what ever space you have - and
thats a fact. that shed is pretty well full, which will be remedied - one day with another one to house my garden stuff only - leaving the current shed for long term storage of 'stuff'. cost to build the shed, from scratch
was comparable to getting one from '
tuff shed' or other local made shed - so i
didnt save any money - however, this project kept me busy for quite awhile and i ended up with an attic and even a nice covered front porch on my shed - it looks more like a little house than a shed.
the shed was completed, some where in the late
september time frame. project money had been tapped dry, so i had to find something to keep me busy that was low cost and useful - i still had
almost a month of
sabbat time and could just sit around and do nothing.
thats where we start intersecting into my future garden....